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Frazzledad Is Taking A Break

It’s Wednesday morning and I’m sitting in my campsite on Quadra Island. Have you been to Quadra Island? I suggest you add it to your bucket list of places to visit.

But sitting here in my campsite also means I have lousy internet, and no wifi. Oh sure, I could go up to the office and use their public wifi, but it’s unsecured, spotty at best, and too far for me to walk. That’s right, I’m on vacation, and I don’t want to do anything I don’t have to do!

Taking A Break

And since I’m taking our annual family vacation up here, I decided that, instead of taking more time out to write a new post, I was going to send out an email letting everyone know I’m taking a break for a couple of weeks.

But, because internet isn’t great, and my autoresponder doesn’t seem to like doing things on mobile, my emailing attempts have failed. It was becoming frustrating and stressful, and I’m on vacation. I don’t want to feel frustrated and stressed.

So now here I am, writing a post, telling you I’m taking a break from writing posts for a couple of weeks. Yes, the struggle is real…

Today also happens to be my daughter Beth-Rose’s birthday. She’s 15 today! Yay! Happy birthday to you, Beth-Rose!

It’s also the last week we’re spending with my son Zachary, before he heads off across the country to university, in just a week! So, family time is precious right now. I hope you’ll understand, but if you don’t, too bad. But I know that, if you’re subscribed to this blog, then you’re awesome people, and you get it.

So anyway…

Nothing further from me this morning. We’ve got some cool and fun things planned for Beth-Rose today, and I’m looking forward to getting the most out of our family time.

I’ll be back in a few weeks to amuse and annoy you. Just keep holding your breath!


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1 year ago

As always love your blogs. Happy Birthday to Beth Rose & have a wonderful holiday

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