Or, Party Like It’s 1999
It’s 4:50 AM, and I’m just leaving the Nanaimo Airport. The sun won’t be up for another 30 minutes, but I’ve just dropped Heather and Beth-Rose off for their trip to Disneyland. Zachary and I have the house to ourselves for almost a whole week. Let the Epic Boys Week begin! But first, back to bed. It’s much too early…
After months and months (and months!) of fundraising and meetings and rehearsals, Beth-Rose is finally off to dance in Disneyland. Hurray! No more bottle drives, meat sales, plant sales, Christmas sales, escort services (the things we do for our children’s activities!), and every other fundraising strategy to keep the ridiculous costs down.
So Heather and the Dancing Daughter are spending the next 6 days or so in the Happiest Place On Earth. I have other ideas for the Happiest Place On Earth that don’t involve losing my lunch on a crazy upside down ride. But that’s neither here nor there, as they say. Because Zachary and I are going to take advantage of the girls being gone. I might even watch Netflix all night. It’s gonna be Epic!

Epic Boys Week-Day 1
The cat jumped on my nether regions at about 8:30 this morning, telling me in no uncertain terms it was time to get up. I must say that is not my favourite way to wake up, but it is pretty effective. So up I got, fed the miscreant and her suspiciously aloof partner, and brewed my second cup of Joe. The first cup at 4:30 this morning didn’t put a damper on my returning to bed. I slept like a rock until my rocks were stomped.
And now I have the whole day ahead of me. I can do whatever I want!
But first, the list. Yeah, you know the one. That list your wife leaves when she goes out of town for a few days. That’s the one.
Heather didn’t leave me an actual physical list, like on paper. It was more of a “Can you do this thing?” or, “Don’t forget to do this other thing.” So yeah, there’s a list…
But that’s okay. It’s a beautiful, sunny morning, and I’m on my own. So, once I’ve taken the puppy out for her reluctant run around the trampoline, provided food and water for aformentioned puppy, it’s off to the garden with a bucket. The raspberries need picking.

An hour later and I’m sweating like a marathon runner, shirt soaked through, with a full bucket of berries. My reward? Fresh raspberries and yogurt. One of my favourite things about raspberry season is sitting on the back deck, leisurely enjoying the fresh berries in a bowl of yogurt. Breakfast done, and I need a fresh shirt. In the bedroom sits a bin full of my clean clothes, fresh from the laundry yesterday. Okay, I guess I should put those away as well.
A Two Hour Lunch
Today is a work day for Zachary, so I drop him off and head out to meet a friend for lunch. We’re headed to Bayview Brewing, one of my favourite local spots. I’ve written about it in a previous post, if you need a refresher.
The day is warm, but there’s a nice breeze off the water. We sit at a shady table and catch up on each other’s lives while enjoying some excellent beers and great food. This is how to spend an afternoon!
Well fed and “watered”, there’s really only one thing left to do; Nap…
I’m quite partial to naps. And I love having the science of the benefits of napping as a valid reason. I’m just doing my part in the name of science…
Feeling refreshed, I’m ready to take on the evening. Seeing as there’s only Zachary and I for dinner, I’m leaving it for him to fend for himself. I’m not very hungry anyway. Probably has something to do with the pulled pork sandwich I enjoyed at Bayview.
The rest of my night is spent watching the first couple of episodes of the new season of Jack Ryan on Prime. (I love a good spy thriller)

I stayed up a little longer than I should, but I don’t have to get up too early. Tomorrow is a work day, but I’ll sleep in a bit and still have plenty of time to get to work.
Epic Boys Week-Day 2
It’s 5:00 in the morning. I’m awake. That wasn’t supposed to happen! But I’m not getting back to sleep, no matter how much I try. And so I crawl my weary butt out of bed and begin my day.
It’s Day 2 of my Epic Boys Week, but I have to go to work. I can’t really continue with my Epic Plans until after work, so I might as well go and do that first…
Maybe tonight I’ll really let loose! Maybe tonight I’ll get to finish that second episode of Jack Ryan. It’s possible?!
Stay tuned for the Epic Conclusion of My Epic Boys Week!

Sounds like you’re off to an epic start! Enjoy your week with Zach. And I just started Jack Ryan too (Twinsies!)
It was pretty epic, as you’ll see in Part 2. Are you just starting the series, or are you on Season 4? Great show!