Beth-Rose has beautiful hair. It’s long, shiny strawberry blonde that she calls “ginger” (it’s not), and she tends to it lovingly. What I wouldn’t give for hair like hers! (Not really. Can you imagine?) She really has the good hair genes. As does everyone in this house. With one exception…
If you didn’t know me in my 20s and 30s, you probably wouldn’t believe that I had hair. I even grew it long in my early thirties! But good hair genes? Not so much.

But toward my late thirties, it began to thin and recede. I didn’t want to be one of “those guys” who, in their desperate, misguided attempt to stay looking young, combed their side hair over their balding pate. Or, almost as bad, attempt to grow it out and tie it back into some kind of old guy, pseudo hipster pony tail.
Now I’m no hipster, but I had a chuckle when I found this website. They actually think man buns are cool! (Sorry, they’re not cool…) Neither is this guy.

So I chose to cut my hair shorter, but, I must confess, it made me look older than my age. And let’s face it, I have a thing about looking older than I am…
A New Look
One day, sometime in my mid-forties, I went to a hairdresser I had never been to. It was a little place in a strip mall that advertised 6 dollar haircuts. And so I thought “what the hell”, and went in.
The friendly Asian lady sat me in the chair and, in halting English, asked me what type of cut I wanted.
I carefully, slowly explained, with many animated hand gestures, exactly what I wanted. Short on the back and sides, a little longer on the top so it would lay down nicely. The hairdresser smiled and nodded understandingly.
Five minutes later she was done. Wow! She’s good! She handed me the mirror and I stifled a cry. I was as near to bald as a newborn baby.
Apparently she interpreted my animated hand gestures and verbal instructions as “Just cut it all off.”
I thanked the lady and left, leaving her a generous tip. Yes, even with a lousy haircut I tip. She did the work, even if it wasn’t what I asked for. That’s just me. I tip, pretty much no matter what…
But I found the haircut growing on me. (See what I did there?) I liked the feel of the stubble on the top of my head when I ran my hand over it. And I noticed I didn’t look so old.
Ever since that first bad haircut, I keep it buzzed short. If it starts getting more than about a half an inch long, it’s time for a cut.
I’m glad I tipped her…
Someone Has Good Hair Genes
Everyone in my house (except me) has (long) hair. When Heather and I first met, she had short hair, but it was golden and shining and lustrous. Mine was too long, too thin, and unkempt. What the heck did she see in me!?
But, because she’s smarter than me, and has a better sense of style than me, and is prettier than me, I paid attention when she gave me subtle, kind suggestions for looking after my appearance. She was right! Who am I to question her brilliance! Though, when we started living together, I did have a hard time accepting her demand that the dog no longer sleeps on the bed…
Who’s That Girl With The Mohawk?
When Zach was born, he had about as much hair as I do now. Your typical bald newborn.
But gradually his hair started to grow, and he developed a good head of hair. Zach’s hair colour is my hair colour when I still had it, and before it went grey. I wonder if he’ll end up with my hair, or Heather’s when he’s older?
Beth-Rose entered the world with a full head of hair, almost all of it standing straight up off the top of her head.
Being the cruel, heartless parents that we are, we took daily photos of her hair and its various iterations. She grew a fantastic mohawk. Every day she gave us a laugh with her wild hairdos.

And so both our children have grown up into beautiful people with beautiful hair. Zachary has been letting his hair grow for some time. He decided he wasn’t going to cut it until he graduated high school. Well, that day has passed, and there’s no indication he’s cutting it before leaving for university in 3 weeks or so.
Meanwhile, Beth-Rose has her lovely, long tresses, almost down to her waist. She takes great care of her hair. She’s very knowledgeable about hair products and what’s good and bad for your hair. I’m always amazed at how much time she can spend tending to her scalp and hair. It’s why I chose to keep me hair short! Too much work…
Good Hair Genes Means Having No Back Hair
Yes, and then there’s me. I’m actually glad to have such low maintenance hair. I don’t have the patience required for hair care. There’s a good reason why hair products are a multi-billion dollar industry. People spend HOURS looking after their hair. But not me. I start my day without even a glance in the mirror. I know that, if I’ve had a recent hair (buzz) cut, then every tiny hair is where it should be. Ready to get on with my day!
My only hair anxiety is that, as the hair disappears from my head, it migrates down my back. Keeping my fingers crossed…
In the meantime, enjoy my video version of Hair, Frazzledad style…
You have the most amazing rogue eyebrow hairs though!!!! They are stellar!
It’s nice to be labelled as a “Rogue”, though I wish it was associated with my dashing, “devil-may-care” attitude, rather than my unkempt eyebrows. Thanks for the “stellar” comment!