I decided the world needed to hear from me, as I have many important things to say. Well, I think they’re important!
A lot that goes on in this family has a way of becoming “Epic”. Sometimes I wish I had written it down, or taken a picture, or gotten it on video. I’ve decided that, from now on, I’m gonna do just that.
Our children are most excellent at keeping us on our toes, making us laugh and scaring the crap out of us. I know we aren’t alone in these familial experiences, but I thought it would be nice to share them, and maybe have others share their own quirky, scary, hilarious and provocative stories with us. And maybe, somewhere in all this mayhem, chaos, comedy and love, we can learn a little bit.
Everyone knows, and you hear it ad-nauseam from every new parent, “your kids don’t come with a manual”. That is true, but they also don’t come with established or preconceived ways of doing things. Our children are unpredictable, and that’s what makes them such fascinating, delightful little human beings! Our own kids have surprised the heck out of us on a regular basis with the stuff that comes out of their mouths. I’ll share some of that here, and I hope others do the same. There’s gems hidden among the dross. Let’s mine them, and share the wealth.

[…] ago to the day, I started this little website called frazzledad.com, with a little post called “My First Steps”. And here we are, seven years later, and that little website has become a slightly less little […]